This impact story was published by Ashraya Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Vinod’s recovery

Dear Sophia and Larry and Laurent,

Vinod (name changed as per recipient’s wishes) discovered that he had developed active tuberculosis not long after his wife was diagnosed with the same illness. Shortly after, one of his daughters also tested positive. Now all three are being treated for tuberculosis, to ensure that none of the other family members, including Vinod’s seven other adult children, their spouses and numerous grandchildren, contract the illness as well.

Vinod is lucky to receive support from the AIC Health Centre, where he goes daily to take his government-provided DOTS medication, as his treatment is continuously monitored by the AIC physician and health workers, to ensure that he does not miss any doses of his medication.

Whenever additional tests or supplementary vitamins are prescribed by the doctor, he receives those free of cost from the AIC Health Centre as well. Finally, Vinod has the option of benefiting from a mid-day meal from the AIC Health Centre when he comes to take his medication, as his family§s economic status is quite poor and managing three meals a day are not always possible for him.

Vinod is thankful that now that his tuberculosis treatment is being well-managed, he will be able to fully get back to work selling clothes on the side of the road, as he has to continue setting aside money for his two youngest daughters’ upcoming marriages.

By your  generous donations, Sophia and Larry (X3) and Laurent (x3), you have made it possible for AIC to give the best possible care to Vinod, to supplement the DOTS treatment. In a few months, Vinod will be completely cured of tuberculosis and can resume his normal life.

Thank you for giving good health back to Vinod!



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