This impact story was published by Ashraya Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Jannu looks forward to her second baby!

Dear Deborah, Amanda, Akiko, Bill and Colleen, Erik, Mike and Suzanne, and Tom,

Jannu and her husband work extremely hard to run their household of three; Jannu’s husband trades in old clothes and saris, and Jannu is in charge of washing, mending, ironing and packaging the items to sell on weekends in the nearby market, while her son plays at her feet. Together, working seven days per week, Jannu and her husband earn between 2,000 and 3,000 rupees per month ($45 – $55), depending on the season, the demand for old clothes, and whether or not the police are lenient about letting them sell their wares on the roadside. Despite their hard work, they often are not able to earn enough to get by on, as the demand for old, used saris has dwindled in recent years.

For this reason, Jannu has turned to the AIC Health Centre for assistance with her medical and nutritional needs when she recently found out that she is expecting again.Through her participation in this program, she receives regular counseling, monthly check-ups and medical care for the duration of her pregnancy, nutritional supplementation (mid-day meals and vitamins) and assistance during the time of her delivery.

Jannu feels thankful knowing that she will have help with the extra expenses associated with her pregnancy, and looks forward to her son having a new little brother or sister!

Thank you, Deborah (x2), Amanda, Akiko, Bill and Colleen, Erik, Mike and Suzanne and Tom, for helping AIC provide comprehensive antenatal care to Jannu to enable her baby to develop and grow. Thanks to your support, she has the best chance of giving birth to a healthy, normal child.



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