This impact story was published by Ashraya Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Rekha’s dream is coming true

Dear Erika, Linda, Heather, ronald, Mike and Suzanne, and Margo,

After struggling to conceive since getting married 4 years ago, 22-year-old Rekha has just found out that she is pregnant! Rekha has always dreamed of becoming a mother, and felt depressed when she had difficulty conceiving. To add to her stress, her husband and inlaws had started threatening a divorce if she did not get pregnant soon. Rekha’s husband sells cloth wall hangings on the side of the road near a tourist destination, earning about 3,000 rupees ($65) in a good month, and only about 1,500 – 2,000 rupees during rainy season months. As he has no license to sell, his merchandise is frequently confiscated by the police, which often results in situations of food insecurity for the entire household. One factor that lessens Rekha’s tension is that she has signed up to receive complete antenatal care through AIC’s Health Program. Rekha has started coming daily to the AIC Health and Community centre, where she enjoys a nutritious midday meal, as well as other benefits such as monthly check-ups, medical treatment, counseling, prenatal vitamins, and assistance during the time of delivery. Despite the many challenges in Rekha’s life, she is relieved and excited to welcome a new baby into her family, and feels grateful for the support and assistance she will be receiving for the duration of her pregnancy.

Thank you, Erika, Linda, Heather, Ronald, Mike and Suzanne ( x2) and Margo (x2) for coming together to provide comprehensive antenatal care to Rekha.



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