This impact story was published by Ashraya Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Tailoring classes provide Jividevi an outlet for her stress

Jividevi is a woman in her mid-30s whose husband works in a sweetmeats store, earning about 3,000 rupees ($65) per month. She is the mother of four children ranging in age from five to fifteen, three of whom are mentally handicapped. Until recently, Jividevi had stayed home full-time, working hard to care for her children. The stress of caring for her children and their special needs often weighed heavily on her, and her husband recently agreed to help out for a few hours in the afternoon every day so that Jividevi could attend the AIC Basic Tailoring class that she was interested in.

The freedom to take a few hours each day doing something to further her own future and interests is something that Jividevi has never had before. After having spent the last twenty years as a housewife, Jividevi relishes the opportunity to get out of the house and socialize with other women during her tailoring class. Although she is illiterate, she finds the tailoring teacher’s style of instruction easy to follow and is learning a great deal. Furthermore, she spends an hour per day with the adult literacy teacher, and is excited to be learning basic literacy skills alongside sewing techniques. She hopes that someday, she might be able to pair her newly acquired literacy skills with her tailoring talents to start her own small home-based tailoring business.

Thank you, Alka, Mike and Suzanne and Tom for coming together to enable Jividevi to attend the Basic Tailoring Course, thereby helping her supplement the family income and become economically independent.

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