This impact story was published by Ashraya Initiative. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Anarkaur is making something of herself

Anarkaur is a 30-year old mother who is determined to move up in the world. After never having had the chance to go to school as a child and being married to her husband when she was barely a teenager, Anarkaur’s life consisted entirely of caring for her six children and her husband, a roadside metalworker earning about $65 per month.

However, all of that changed last year when Anarkaur joined the AIC Basic Tailoring class. For six months, she attended the class six days a week, and was a star pupil by the time she advanced to AIC’s Intermediate Tailoring class, another six month course. This month, Anarkaur completed the Intermediate Tailoring class and moved up to the third and final class, Advanced Tailoring. She is becoming an adept seamstress, and takes custom orders from family and community members to practice. In this final class, Anarkaur is excited to learn everything that she will need to know to open her own tailoring business and work from home.

She has also made an incredible amount of progress in the daily 1-hour literacy component of the class, which she takes very seriously. Now that she is starting to read and write on her own, Anarkaur is confident that she will be able to couple her newfound literacy with her rapidly expanding sewing skills so that her business can really take off.

Thank you, Leslie and Dena (x5) for coming together to ensure that Anarkaur becomes a wonderful seamstress and a successful entrepreneur.

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